A digital solution for assigning assets and welcoming new resources to the company
All business processes, more or less articulated, often prove to be subject to delays and defaults due to the sub-optimal management and organisation of the personnel in charge in addition to the use of obsolete methodologies. Staff onboarding processes also prove to be a challenge for organisations: they consist of numerous steps and involve various departments and people. In this particular case study, the client company was using methods that hindered cooperation between the various departments and caused delays, hence inefficiencies. The passage of information was mostly managed in a paper-based manner. The experience of hiring and welcoming new resources was also hindered by the mismanagement of the process.
The client company operates in the agricultural sector and is a big player in the production of industrial agricultural machinery, has a turnover of around 60 million euros per year and 200 employees.
So how can the goal of improving the induction of new resources into the company be achieved? By introducing a Digital Workflow solution you want to:
- Map the new resource's assets in a smooth, streamlined and secure manner.
- Ensure that fixed onboarding times and plans are adhered to so that new employees have everything they need on their first day.
- Simplify and properly manage intra-departmental work.
- Fostering cooperation between departments.
- A smooth and welcoming induction into the company.
As Is
The onboarding process involved four different departments: HR, IT, Administration, Line Manager.
The management was 80 per cent manual and in the transfer of data and documents from one department to another, there were often delays, missing or incorrect assignment of assets to the new employee. In fact, the status of the processes was not clear.
To Be
Thanks to a digital workflow solution, a fully digital solution was introduced that fosters cooperation, reduces time wastage and ensures that assets are allocated on time.
With the dashboard for the onboarding plan, which is 100% digital, a '5-step responsibility path' is followed. Each resource involved has its own profile on the Digital Workflow platform and securely manages its own step; each step is notified by the system:
- HR: as soon as he/she logs in, the date and time of the request are automatically entered. This, makes the request for assignment of assets for the new employee, enters his data and identification documents, photo of the new resource for badge generation, information on any benefits such as company car, telephone and card. Finally, the process ends with the selection of the department and role of the new resource. At this point, the system automatically identifies the relevant line manager and HR can proceed with the advancement of the request.
- Line Manager: The process instance is in the hands of the line manager who will be in charge of entering the information regarding the assets for the new resource such as the type of PC if any, landline phone, mobile phone, and model and tablet if any. Then the process advances to the next department.
- Administration: it is the turn of the administration which will download the data entered by HR concerning the user for the allocation of the expected benefits, such as car and card (if any) and will pass the onus of the continuation of the process to the next actor
- IT: will review the assets to be prepared for the arrival of the new resource and will proceed to the generation of the badge
- HR: at the end of the process will have the burden of verifying that all activities have been carried out in order to proceed to the closure of the request
- Each actor can see in real time the actors involved in the process and the progress.
- Reduction of asset allocation errors by 97%.
- Punctuality in handling the individual steps of the resource onboarding process.
- Excellent onboarding experience for the new resource.